Jason DeLucia vs Bas Rutten on Pancrace: Legend of MMA パンクラス:MMA伝説 Eps. 10-4

Описание к видео Jason DeLucia vs Bas Rutten on Pancrace: Legend of MMA パンクラス:MMA伝説 Eps. 10-4

Starting In 2007, US TV station named Imagine Asia TV initially broadcasted this program. It was very sensational news that Japanese promotion would be focused for US TV audience.
You might want to know how MMA has been started to build up in not only Japan but also in the world since 1993. The host is Jay Cho and the Pancrase Analyst is Josh Barnett who is the former UFC Heavyweight Champion and still KOP (King of Pancrase) Champion.

2007年に米国放送会社Imagine Asia TVで放送されたTV番組”Pancrace: Legend of MMA”の配信を開始致します。日本の総合格闘技団体では唯一北米にて作成された番組です。



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