Christian Tybring Gjedde | Islam vokser, våre verdier svinner | Islamofobi?

Описание к видео Christian Tybring Gjedde | Islam vokser, våre verdier svinner | Islamofobi?

🌴 Do you want a House in Jannah? 🌴 If yes, donate now & help us establish the first Norwegian Masjid & Dawah center: The Prophet ﷺ said: “Whoever builds a Mosque for Allah, Allah will build for him a similar house in Jannah.”

➡️ Donate NOW ➡️ ⬅️

Iman is dying! To #SaveIman we URGENTLY need to establish the first and only Masjid combined with a Dawah, Tarbiya and community center in Norway. And we need your support! Please donate and share this campaign on all your social media platforms. Help us #SaveIman

You will get the reward of all those who are:

✔️ Praying in the Masjid and worshipping Allah.

✔️ Converting to Islam.

✔️ Coming closer to Allah.

✔️ Learning the Noble Quran and becoming Hafidhs of the Book of Allah.

✔️ Brought up with Islamic education from childhood.

✔️ Learning Arabic, the language of the Quran.

✔️ Studying the religion of Allah and becoming imams and leaders in our community.

✔️ Learning Dawah and calling people to Islam.

✔️ Saved from bad places and spend time in the youth club instead.

➡️ Donate NOW ➡️ ⬅️

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👍🏻   / fahadqu  

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