
Описание к видео 設計師劉愷:上海市中心240㎡小區老房改造

在上海市中心建國西路,有一棟顔值超高的3層白色公寓,與周圍老公房形成鮮明對比。這棟公寓的前身其實也是老公房,業主重新買下後,邀請設計師劉恺進行設計,經過一年半脫胎換骨的改造後,房子煥然新生,路人從弄堂經過時,都忍不住停下來多看兩眼。#家居 #装修 #室内 #设计
On Jianguo West Road, downtown Shanghai, stands a stunning 3-story apartment, which forms a striking contrast with the neighboring old houses. It used to be one of them. But its life changed at the day when the new owner bought it and entrusted it to designer Liu Kai for a makeover. After a year and a half of thoroughly remolding, the old house put on a new face. Now even passersby would stop and check it out.


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