🍄 hey kids 🍄 complete dreamcore map

Описание к видео 🍄 hey kids 🍄 complete dreamcore map

Make sure to go to the map after this in the April 1st mapathon!
(    • APRIL FOOLS ‘22 Mapathon   )

Thank you so much to all my participants you guys are incredible for getting it done in time!

This map explore the troubles of being a medicine cat apprentice through visuals based off dreamcore.

ORIGINAL MAP CALL:    • 🍄 hey kids 🍄 dreamcore medicine cat a...  

Intro: hollyclouds, Kluney, puppykit, Quailstorm, skyestudios and kirikerise - cinderpelt
1: Wondering Rogue - moth flight
2: puffingcat - pebbleheart
3: vordella - shadowpaw
4: mickadamz - hollypaw
5: muckrooms - shadowpaw
6: Juicex Box - featherwhisker
7: hollyclouds - ravenwing
8: Almond Sun - redscar
9: Serious Cat - mudfur
10: Mewtoz - echosong
11: Kendagi and Powderseas - cinderpelt/heart
12: Moth king - jayfeather
13: Axley - jayfeather
14: kirikerise - cinderheart
15: MissJackieArt - goosefeather
16: RIPPEDEYEZ - ravenwing
17: Cazosky - cinderpelt
18: Inkedflight, Melodious Midnight & Bluehunts - mudfur
19a: LockandKeyHyena - hawkheart
19b: Woolhug - hawkheart
20: IsaSpSp - leafpool
21: Gildedware - runningnose
22: fucklandbaby - mothwing
23: Katertot - flametail
24: Quialstorm - echosong

Credit Artist’s

• mre than u can chew •
Nittle Brittle

Thumbnail by BB.

Song:    • Molina - Hey Kids (Official Video)  
Credit song:    • Browser History  

Please do not re-upload this without my permission.

I do not own any of the music.

My content is intended for 13+


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