Turn Back The Hands Of Time Using Bioregulator Peptides By Dr Bill Lawrence

Описание к видео Turn Back The Hands Of Time Using Bioregulator Peptides By Dr Bill Lawrence

In this episode of "Pushing the Limits" Lisa gets to talk to a world leading anti-aging and longevity expert Dr Bill Lawrence who himself is 77 years old but has the telomere length (we explain what that aging biomarker in the show) of someone in their thirties.

Dr. Lawrence has a Jurisprudence Degree (UCLA-Law), an MS in Psychology and a Ph.D. in Nutrition. Since 1990 his focus has been on slowing and reversing human biological aging. He has developed numerous science-based protocols focused on optimal aging for health professionals and individual clients.

Presently Dr. Lawrence is the administrator of two clinical studies to determine if human biological age can be reversed in collaboration with Dr Vladimir Khavinson of the Saint-Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology

Dr Lawrence shares in this episode a presentation of the current study data (note the trial is still ongoing) and the exciting proof we can now REVERSE aging and promote long and healthier lives and reduce our risk of morbidity and mortality using Bioregulators

The science behind this is impressive and it's human trials. Dr Lawrence is reinforcing through his findings the research of Professor Khavinson who has been working on Bioregulators and doing the research on these for over 5 decades.

I am excited to share this cutting edge information with you and to get going myself on the Bioregulators.


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My latest book Relentless chronicles the inspiring journey about how my mother and I defied the odds after an aneurysm left my mum Isobel with massive brain damage at age 74. The medical professionals told me there was absolutely no hope of any quality of life again, but I used every mindset tool, years of research, and incredible tenacity to prove them wrong and bring my mother back to full health within 3 years. Get your copy here: http://relentlessbook.lisatamati.com/ .For my other two best-selling books Running Hot and Running to Extremes chronicling my ultra running adventures and expeditions all around the world, go to https://shop.lisatamati.com/collectio....
Exogenous Ketone Esters - Ketone-IQ: https://shop.lisatamati.com/products/...

Please note the following medical disclaimer: By viewing this video you understand that this video is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. Always seek the guidance of your doctor with any questions you may have regarding your health or medical condition.

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