Triangle Strategy: Battle at the Ministry | Hard, deathless/reviveless, itemless, no quietus

Описание к видео Triangle Strategy: Battle at the Ministry | Hard, deathless/reviveless, itemless, no quietus

I hate this mission, I hate this mission so much, it was like hitting a brick wall, "hehe funny elite spam go brrr" it's so unfun, but I finally completed it, I gave up trying to use some of the main cast, I tried different strategies, but eventually I settled on Cordelia doing spam, time child, and geela all working on making sure the enemy can't kill.

Tips: This battle is an utter clusterf, every single elite enemy type is here. This means that you're going to have a lot to juggle, them being elites means you must commit hard to kill most units, and they do a lot of damage. The mages will murder any tank that draws near, you must bait them out, while also making sure your backline stays alive, this means that either:

1. you must out-tank the bowmen, and occasional sweeping slash/pikeman thrust
2. you have dedicated units for shutting down each and every unit type.

This means it's good to bring along multiple shutdowns, jens is perfect for this, 2 speed items and he's as fast as benedict at 30 speed, allowing him to rapidly place down spring traps in order to help, auto turret can be a desperate effort.

the sheer number of elites means erador is good, king's shield is an amazing bait and of course the constant fury is great, but the sheer output of the swordfighters particularly will wear him down fast.

Of course, Cordelia is crazy, she lets squishy units tank more hits with pre-emptive above and beyond's, this not only allows them to be more aggressive, but lets them absorb hits occasionally, if geela can't make do on her own, cordelia should stablize the situation.

Time child is great especially against the elite healer, reversing the elite healer's effects, Milo is also perfect, tempted enemies are prone to getting shut down entirely for multiple turns from lyla, meaning her temporal stopping powers can work against her.

Generally speaking, this is split into waves, units behave very odd in this battle, I think most are preprogrammed to travel certain routes and activate abilities at certain times. This means enemies stagger themselves into you. First are generally the rouges and swordfightrers, before the bowmen, shieldbearer, and pikeman appear, finally letting a swordfighter, more bowmen, and mages attack. Lyla will pepper you with different abilities, and the healers will be annoying. If you focus HARD on destroying the frontline, you should have time before the next assault. Eventually the healers and mages will overextend and allow you to punish. While you concentrate the firepower on the remaining enemies, letting erador or some shutdown unit run forward and rip apart the healers and shut down the bowmen are necessary, the healers are annoying and the bowmen especially without cordelia will start shredding your support units and once they're up there... there's nowhere at all to hide, you want at least one lane clear so your units can retreat from fire if need be.

It's a lot of moving parts I know, but it's important for this fight, this is honestly just a brick wall, I've been trying this mission for a good few days, I think I have like 30 attempts. It was easily the most insane thing I've done.


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