EXPOSED! Zack Snyder Used BOTS & TOXIC Fans “I’ll DESTROY You On Social Media” Inspired Amber Heard?

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EXPOSED! Zack Snyder Used BOTS & TOXIC Fans “I’ll DESTROY You On Social Media” Inspired Amber Heard?

A damning expose just dropped in Rolling Stone about filmmaker Zack Snyder, who was the one who cast Amber Heard as Mera in Aquaman and the DCEU. Even brought her back for the Snyder Cut.

Rolling Stone reports: Exclusive: Fake Accounts Fueled the ‘Snyder Cut’ Online Army
A WarnerMedia report reveals that bots and other inauthentic users bolstered the fan-led campaign for director Zack Snyder’s Justice League do-over.

The article goes on to discuss, lies, fake bots and more... Along with the potential truth (FINALLY!) behind actor Ray Fisher's madness on Twitter.

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