Sony a6400 *Critical Autofocus Setup Settings

Описание к видео Sony a6400 *Critical Autofocus Setup Settings

Excerpt from
The Sony a6400 has autofocus capabilities directly inherited from the Sony a9; with a .05 second detect cycle, this camera is currently the fastest APS-C autofocus in the world. But the best features, EYE-AF in Continuous Focus and Continuous Drive Mode High - CANNOT be met until three conditions are met, which require changing the camera's settings.
Hey everybody this is Gary Fong and the
following is an excerpt from my newest
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Alpha courses comm ok now let's go to
your tip the most valuable feature of
these 6400 is the amazing a eye tracking
and continuous auto focus especially
with iaf if you're a professional or a
serious amateur photographer you already
know the value of shooting with a wide
open aperture or with an f-stop number
that as the lowest possible a low f-stop
number creates blurry backgrounds a
previous limitation was shooting an
aperture mode with fast lenses is focus
there's nothing as frustrating as taking
what you think is a perfect shot but the
eyes are soft when you blow it up on the
computer with Sony's a eye tracking
continuous eye autofocus and with focus
priority set to focus and not release
you were guaranteed the camera will not
shoot until the eye is tack sharp
additionally as recently as two years
ago focusing on an eyeball where the
subject in motion was only a dream with
the a 6400 it's continuous i aughtta
focus which reevaluate sphe okis fifty
times a second you have the ability to
capture sharp eyeballs even when the
subject is fast-moving for example when
participating in sports
so in this QuickStart guide I'm gonna
show you how to optimize your camera for
stunning portrait photography with tack
sharp eyes regardless of how narrow your
depth of field is step 1 put the camera
in aperture priority mode this is done
by changing the dial wheel on top of the
camera to a and this will allow you to
set the lens to the most wide open
aperture possible in this case my lens
is a 55 millimeter F 1 point 8 lens so I
can open the aperture all the way up to
F 1.8 step 2 set your camera to auto ISO
you can do this by pressing the right of
the dial wheel said that the ISO mode
it's select auto ISO with a single
square not the multi-layer version this
is the second one down that simply says
Auto and this will protect you from
accidental overexposure should you walk
out into a sunny bright area or protect
you from blurry images when you enter at
a very dark environment auto ISO will
also give you the peace of mind knowing
that your images will be properly
exposed in widely varying conditions
with a shutter speed that is optimum for
the amount of motion that your camera is
experiencing step 3 turn your focus mode
to continuous AF this is found on the
menu first tab fifth page to the right
select continuous AF continuous AF will
engage this cameras powerful 50 times
per second reevaluation speed for
optimum focus failing to use continuous
AF will cause many images to go out of
focus because the subject may move while
your subject is locked down step 4 use
priority set in AFC 2 AF and not release
this is found in the first tab fifth
page over third line down select AF this
will ensure that the a 6400 only fires
when the subject is tack sharp and focus
and this is especially powerful when you
turn on tracking eye AF


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