00. The Incense Chant 爐香讚

Описание к видео 00. The Incense Chant 爐香讚

炉香赞 lu xiang zan

炉香乍热 lú xiāng zhà rè

法界蒙薰 fǎ jiè méng xūn

诸佛海会悉遥闻 zhū fó hǎi huì xī yáo wén

随处结祥云 suí chù jié xiáng yún

诚意方殷 chéng yì fāng yīn

诸佛现全身 zhū fó xiàn quán shēn

南无香云盖菩萨摩诃萨(三称)nán wú xiāng yún gài pú sà mó hē sà

The Incense Praise

The censer's incense is lit, its scent permeating the dharma realm
Innumerable Buddhas from afar sense the fragrance
Everywhere, auspicious clouds of scent gather
With our hearts pious and sincere, the Buddhas manifest
Homage to the Mahasattva Bodhisattva of incense-cloud canopies (3 times)


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