What is Creativity? – Alice Helliwell · UX Brighton 2023

Описание к видео What is Creativity? – Alice Helliwell · UX Brighton 2023

In the realm of design, creativity remains an elusive and often misunderstood concept. How do we define creativity, and what makes it so integral to the world of design and beyond? Drawing from her background in philosophy, psychology, and the intersection of art and AI, Alice Helliwell delves into the concept of creativity, exploring its various facets and its essential role in human thinking and making.

In this stimulating talk, Alice will unravel the philosophical underpinnings of creativity, exploring definitions that go beyond artistic endeavors. Through an analytical lens, she will navigate the audience through intriguing questions surrounding creativity, such as its value, its relationship with innovation and its potential to inspire change.

Alice’s talk promises to be a thought-provoking exploration of what creativity truly means and how it can be harnessed to enhance our understanding and practice of design.

To read more about Alice go to https://uxbri.org/2023/#Alice-Helliwell


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