තිබුණා නම් දෙනවා කියන්න would යෙදීම අනිවාර්‍යෙද?

Описание к видео තිබුණා නම් දෙනවා කියන්න would යෙදීම අනිවාර්‍යෙද?

#sakvithi #english #grammar #spokenenglish #viralspokenenglishlessons #sakvithiranasinghe #සක්විති රණසිංහ #ඉංග්‍රීසිපාඩම්

It’s me Sakvithi Ranasinghe. I have been teaching English for over 25 years. I’m always trying my best to give you the best experience of learning English in a very interesting way. All my lessons are very simple but practical. Most of the times I explain English phrases by using film clips. Now my channel is nearing one million subscribers. I need your support to hit the target. Please do subscribe and hit the bell icon. For online classes please whatsapp - 076 560 8145


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