Can businesses kick out people who have service animals? VERIFY

Описание к видео Can businesses kick out people who have service animals? VERIFY

A story of a bind influencer getting kicked out of a restaurant went viral and sparked a huge conversation about where exactly service animals are allowed to go.

The video shows a TikTok star, who posts under the account "MatthewandPaul" recounting his experience at a restaurant. The man said he was asked to leave because his service dog wasn't allowed inside. Many people are now wondering about the rules when it comes to service animals and if you can be removed from a business for having them.

According to the Disability Rights of North Carolina, a service animal is a specially trained dog that helps a person with a disability.

They are protected by the Americans with Disabilities Act, which protects people with disabilities from discrimination. The ADA specifically states that service animals do not have to be certified or wear a vest that indicates they are service animals.

While the ADA doesn't require service animals to be certified or wear a vest, North Carolina has stricter rules. The state requires any service animal in training to wear a collar or vest letting people know they're in training. #VERIFY #Animals #News



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