² 🐦☆²⁹ Flamingos

Описание к видео ² 🐦☆²⁹ Flamingos

☆²⁹ Order Phoenicopteriformes (6), 3 - Flamingos
▪︎ Genus Phoeniconaias (1) - Lesser Flamingo
¤ (Phoeniconaias minor) Lesser Flamingo
▪︎ Genus Phoenicoparrus (2)
¤ (Phoenicoparrus andinus) Andean Flamingo
¤ (Phoenicoparrus jamesi) James's Flamingo
▪︎ Genus Phoenicopterus (3) - Greater Flamingos
¤ (Phoenicopterus chilensis) Chilean Flamingo
¤ (Phoenicopterus roseus) Greater Flamingo
¤ (Phoenicopterus ruber) Greater Flamingo, American Flamingo

¤ (Phoeniconaias minor) Lesser Flamingo occurring in sub-Saharan Africa & western India.

Is smallest species of flamingo, though it is a tall & large bird by most standards. Weigh from 1.2-2.7 kg. standing height is around 80-90 cm total length (from beak to tail) & wingspan are in same range of measurements, from 90-105 cm.

● Most of plumage is Pinkish White. Their plumage ranges from pale Pink to Red with Black Primary & Secondary wing feathers.

Dark bill & red legs. Note glowing Red eyes in adults. Juveniles are Gray-Brown & darker than young Greater Flamingos.

Clearest difference between this species & Greater Flamingo, only other Old World species of flamingo, is much 'more extensive Black' on bill. Size is less helpful to distinguish two species, unless they occur together, since sexes of each species also differ in height.

Most common species of flamingo, with a population that (at its peak) probably numbered up to 2 million individual birds.

This species feeds primarily on 'Spirulina' algae which grow only in very alkaline lakes. Presence of flamingo groups near water bodies is an indication of sodic alkaline water which is not suitable for irrigation use. Although blue-green in colour, algae contain photosynthetic pigments that give birds their Pink colour.

Their deep bill is specially adapted for filtering tiny food items. Other forms of algae taken are (Synechocystis minuscula), (Synechococcus pevalekii), (Synechococcus elongatus), (Monoraphidium minutum), (Oscillatoria) sp. & (Lyngbya) sp.

This species will also feed, to a lesser extent, on small invertebrates: Copepods (Paradiaptomus africanus), Diatoms (Navicula) & Rotifers (Brachionus), as well as microscopic alkaliphilic cyanobacteria (Arthrospira fusiformis), (Arthrospira maxima).
¤ (Phoenicoparrus andinus) Andean Flamingo native to Andes mountains of South America. It is distinguished from other flamingos by its deeper lower mandible & very long filtering filaments on maxilla. It is the largest flamingo in Andes & is one of two heaviest living flamingos alongside taller greater flamingo. Body mass 1.5-4.9 kg, height from 1-1.4 m & wingspan from 1.4-1.6 m.

● Has a pale Pink body with brighter upperparts, deep vinaceous-Pink lower neck, breast & wing coverts. It is only flamingo species with Yellow Legs & three-toed feet. Its bill is pale Yellow near skull, but Black for majority of its length & curves downward. Its lower mandible is less apparent than those of genus Phoenicopterus.

Juveniles present a uniformly pale Gray plumage. It is often duskier on head & neck. Coverts & scapulars can have darker brown centers.

Adults are overall pale Pink, with feathers on lower neck & chest being much brighter pink; coverts may be similarly bright pink. Head & upper neck may be a brighter Pink than rest of body, which can appear almost White with only a pale Pink wash, but head & upper neck never as bright as lower neck & breast.

Primaries & secondaries Black, which when wings are folded, appear as bold black triangle that is not obscured by other feathers.
¤ (Phoenicoparrus jamesi) James's Flamingo or Puna Flamingo lives at high altitudes in the Andean plateaus of Peru, Chile, Bolivia & northwest Argentina. Is smaller than Andean & aboutsame size as Old World species, lesser. 90-92 cm long & weighs about 2 kg have a very long neck made up of 19 long cervical vertebrae, allowing for a large range of movement & rotation of head.

They are also distinctive for their long, thin legs, knee is not externally visible: it is located at top of leg. Joint at middle of leg, which may be mistaken for knee joint, is actually ankle joint.

● Its plumage is very pale pink, with bright carmine streaks around neck & on back. When it is perched, a small amount of black can be seen in its wings; these are 'flight feathers'. They have bright red skin around their eyes, which in adults are Yellow. Their legs are brick red & their bills are bright Yellow with a black tip.

Is similar to most of flamingo species in South America, but Chilean flamingo is pinker, with a longer bill (which is not Yellow) & Andean flamingo is larger, with more black in wings & bill & with Yellow legs.

Have lighter-colored feathers & bright yellow on their bills. A good method to distinguish 2 Phoenicoparrus flamingo species from other flamingo species is to look at their feet. 2 Phoenicoparrus species have 3 toes but no hallux. Feet of other species of flamingos have 3 forward-facing toes & a hallux.

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