Submarine Service In The 1970s

Описание к видео Submarine Service In The 1970s

Like This Movie Trailer? Go to to purchase the entire 55-minute video, or to see movie trailers of over 700 other military videos. This DVD includes two films.
The first film, titled "Submarines: Background and Characteristics," was produced by the Navy in 1971 and features USS Thomas A. Edison (SSBN-610) and USS Sturgeon (SSBN-637). There are also clips of USS Nautilus (SSN- 571). The film focuses on day-to-day life aboard a nuclear powered submarine while on patrol. Includes excellent footage of numerous compartments: reactor room, showers, laundry, mess, galley, recreation, sleeping quarters, fire control room, communications, etc., as well as good shots of equipment such as SINS (Integrated Navigation System), LORAN ((Long Range Navigation) and SONAR (sound navigation and ranging). Shows missiles being loaded and a Polaris Missile launch. Also includes film clips of the of NR-1 and DSRV-1 (deep submergence vessels) and the Navy's research vessels, ALVIN and DOLPHIN.
The second film, titled "Ninety Days To Somewhere," was produced by the Navy in the mid-1970s. Featured in the film are USS Thomas Jefferson (SSBN-618), USS Ulysses S. Grant (SSBN-631), USS Von Steuben (SSBN-632) and the submarine tender, USS Hunley (AS-31). The focus is on the day-to-day activities of a particular crew, which is never identified in the film. Again, there is excellent coverage of the sub's interior. Also good coverage of the submarine returning to its base at Charleston, South Carolina, and preparations for the next patrol while alongside the tender USS Hunley.


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