Periwinkle and Turmeric Root Tinctures

Описание к видео Periwinkle and Turmeric Root Tinctures

Lesser Periwinkle (Vinca minor) is one of the more powerful common herbs. It contains over 50 indole alkaloids, including Vincamine. Vincamine is classified as a nootropic because it increases circulation in the brain, which helps with cognition, memory, and concentration. It's considered a neuroprotectant and sold as a supplement in the US.

Vincamine makes up anywhere from 25-65% of Vinca minor leaves by weight. It is the precursor to the synthetic compound Vinpocetine. Both Vincamine and Vinpocetine have been prescribed in Europe for cerebral disorders, such as Dementia, for over three decades.

The root of Turmeric plant (Curcuma longa) contains Curcumin, a powerful anti-inflammatory that has been well-studied and is used in the treatment of Osteoarthritis.

Curcumin's bioavailability is exponentially increased when combined with piperine - a component of black pepper. I have not tried this yet, here is a study:


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