Demo against Tory Conference 2017 - Manchester

Описание к видео Demo against Tory Conference 2017 - Manchester

The streets of central Manchester filled with 50,000 people opposed to Tory government policies, The Peoples Assembly estimates. The national demonstration, on the 1 October, drew people from across the country including, trade unionists, anti-frackers, refugees and campaigners supporting the multitude of causes the government continues to ignore. All were determined to let the Conservative Party Conference 2017 goers know that they wanted change - now!

Protestors gathered at the Castlefield Bowl and listened to speakers criticising the Tory government’s record in office. The protest march then set of from Liverpool Rd with members of Disabled People Against Cuts (DPAC), in wheelchairs, in the vanguard. The enthusiastic marchers chanted, sang and drummed their way through streets cordoned by the huge police presence drafted in to protect the Tory conference. As the march passed the Manchester Conference Centre, where the Tories were gathered, the police helicopter could be seen and heard overhead, and the number of police lining the streets increased...


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