Samurai Warriors 2:XL - Mitsunari's Tale 6 - Battle of Sekigahara (360)

Описание к видео Samurai Warriors 2:XL - Mitsunari's Tale 6 - Battle of Sekigahara (360)

Mitsunari has one more stage than everyone else, same for Ieyasu. This is Sekigahara proper, unlike Yukimura's altered version of it. You have alot to do to protect your allies and keep morale up so Hideaki Kobayakawa doesn't defect, cuz if he does it puts you in a rather bad position. I made the mistake of going near the Mori and Kikkawa armies before they were convinced to fight with us for real, which caused them to defect right away so that made it a bit more difficult. But if you keep morale up and clear the center, then Hideaki won't defect anyways.


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