中國近代史P15-唐朝制度與變遷(7)Modern Chinese History P9-Tang Dynasty System and Changes (7)

Описание к видео 中國近代史P15-唐朝制度與變遷(7)Modern Chinese History P9-Tang Dynasty System and Changes (7)

581年楊堅稱帝,國號為「 隋」。新政權以繼承漢人傳統政治文化為號召,打破以武將為主體的北周政治體制,進行了一系列改革。

Modern Chinese History
In 581, Yang Jian proclaimed himself emperor and named the country "Sui". The new regime called for inheriting the traditional political culture of the Han people, broke the political system of the Northern Zhou Dynasty dominated by military generals, and carried out a series of reforms.


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