How to make it in the Nightclub Industry

Описание к видео How to make it in the Nightclub Industry

In this video, I give you my best advice to be a nightclub promoter from what I've learnt throughout my experience in the industry.

Two of the main points are:
• You're only as good as your last night
• How important it is to manage your customer's expectations

To give a bit of background, I'm an entrepreneur based out of Dublin, Ireland, I share my ideas and the lessons I'm learning along the way here so that hopefully others watching on can learn at my expense and speed up their entrepreneurial journey off the back of mine.

Feel free to get in touch via Instagram @jamiewhite or my website If ever you'd like to connect, please don't hesitate to connect via my website

I am always open to feedback, reflections, guest / subject recommendations and anything else that might come up.

Thank you for watching, Jamie x


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