Nora McInerny presents: Moving Forward

Описание к видео Nora McInerny presents: Moving Forward

Hospice of Santa Barbara's illuminate Speaker Series presents Nora McInerny's Moving Forward - July 21, 2021.

It’s been over a year since COVID-19 grounded our worlds to a halt: over a year of immense change and isolation and loss of all kinds. And while many of us are ready to open back up and get back to “normal life,” just as many of us feel as though that’s not an option for us.

In a culture that prizes picking yourself up by the bootstraps and looking at the bright side, grief and suffering are considered an interruption to life. Really, they’re a part of life, and in this continuation of her viral TED talk, "We don’t move on from grief, we move forward with it” Nora McInerny provides inspiration, validation, and actions we can all take to move forward together.


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