One by one, the miners trapped for 69 days in a dungeon that could have been their tomb climbed into

Описание к видео One by one, the miners trapped for 69 days in a dungeon that could have been their tomb climbed into

(13 Oct 2010) HEADLINE: Chilean miners emerge in problem-free rescue
CAPTION: One by one, the miners trapped for 69 days in a dungeon that could have been their tomb climbed into a rescue capsule and made a smooth ascent to the surface. (Oct. 13)

One by one, some 40 minutes apart, the trapped miners in Chile are emerging from a half mile under the ground and into a heroes welcome.
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The first of the 33 came up just past midnight eastern time.
And by midmorning 13 had climbed into the rescue capsule, nicknamed the Phoenix, and taken the smooth ride to the surface.
Still, the men have been taking stiff precautions.
All are being watched for signs of panic during their ascent.
They are also wearing protective sunglasses, along with compression socks to prevent blood clotting and sweaters for a drastic change in temperature from down below to up above.
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You're looking at the second man to come up.
He said that during his 69 days under ground he was with both God and the devil and he reached out for God.
But these men and their families aren't the only ones celebrating.
The country has been swept up in the occasion watching on screens in plazas and celebrating wildly throughout the night.
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All of the men are being taken to hospitals for evaluations and even their ambulances were greeted by bands playing for the countries newest heroes.
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What's next for these men isn't clear.
They have become instant celebrities and their mining days could be over.
But for now the country is simply transfixed with getting them to safety a task that could be over by the end of the day.

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