The Garden, Is a Photo montage of Roy and Mary Yoder’s beautiful home in Montana.

Описание к видео The Garden, Is a Photo montage of Roy and Mary Yoder’s beautiful home in Montana.

The Garden, Is a photo Montage of Roy And Mary Yoder’s home in beautiful Montana... Roy has suffered from Limes disease, but in spite of all, Roy and Mary are more than conquerors through Christ. They have overcome many hardships. Romans 8:37
Por lo tanto, no se angustien por el manana, el cual tendra sus propios afanes. Cada dia tiene ya sus problemas. Mateo 6:34 Nueva Version Internacional.
Porque de tal manera amo Dios al mundo,que ha dado 'a su Hijo unigenito, para que todo aquel que en el cree, no se pierda, mas tenga vida eterna Juan 3:16 RVR


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