Big Ram-Fat Tail-Long Locks-Chill Shear

Описание к видео Big Ram-Fat Tail-Long Locks-Chill Shear

This guy is a Karakul sheep. They grow hair type locks over dense wool and store massive amounts of fat in their tails. These sheep are derived from the deserts of Central Asia and can be powerhouses under all that fiber. At the start, his feet brace
perfectly against my maneuver. His neck is strong and designed to withstand force from a full sprint head on collision from a dude just his size. He’s stubborn, but certainly not hurt. You can see him use that strong neck on the last side as I fight him to make him more comfortable. Thankfully, this guy didn’t mind a fresh cut or he’d have launched me across the pasture and taken off with what fleece he wanted left on 🤘🏻


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