建築によって忘れてしまったものを、建築によって思い出す | Kentaro Yamazaki | TEDxHimi

Описание к видео 建築によって忘れてしまったものを、建築によって思い出す | Kentaro Yamazaki | TEDxHimi

Bringing back the memories that architecture has made us forget through architecture

"I will create architecture that makes not only my clientele but also everyone who comes in touch with it happy," says Kentaro Yamazaki. Things start to change when he undertakes a project in Okinawa in 2012. His works become deeper as he starts to listen for the memory of the land and his clientele's hearts. Architecture that lets us feel the wind and think about what's on the other side of distant mountains. His talk brings back our long-held memories of architecture, houses, families and communities.

「クライアントだけではなくて、周りの方々も幸せになるような建築をつくる」 2012 年に巡り合った沖縄の仕事を皮切りに、山﨑さんの仕事は変わっていきました。 その土地の持っている記憶や、クライアントの想いに耳を傾けることで、彼の建築は深化していきます。木々に囲まれた斜面を吹く風を感じ、遠く離れた山の向こうに想いを馳せることができるような建築。そして、彼のトークは、建築から、家、家族、村や共同体について、我々が確かに持っていた記憶を呼び覚ましてくれます。


Kentaro Yamazaki was born in Chiba and graduated from Kogakuin University with master’s degree in architecture. He established the “Yamazaki Kentaro Design Workshop” in 2008.

“Architecture that is not accepted by the local community just becomes an obstacle.” He has been struggling with children, elderly and disabled people’s problems, because they need specific spaces. He keeps seeking important roles architecture can play every day, with his clients and the local residents.

The “Hakusui Nursery School” is his masterpiece, designed as a big house. This unique structure, allows children to be able to have formative experiences such as feeling the senses of touch, smell or taste that originally come from nature. This work received the “GOOD DESIGN AWARD” and the SPECIAL AWARD, “DESIGN FOR THE FUTURE” (2015). Also, his works were awarded the “AR EMERGING AWARD(2015)” in London, and the “SELECTED ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNS YOUNG ARCHITECTS AWARD(2015).”

代表作である「はくすい保育園」では、保育園は大きな家であるという考えのもとに設計。子供たちの原体験として残るような、その場所でしか感じることができない自然で遊ぶつくりを創出し、グッドデザイン賞・未来づくり賞(2015)を受賞。その他、ロンドンのAR emerging award(2015)や日本建築学会作品選集新人賞(2015)などの受賞歴を持つ。 This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx


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