Anthony Barela Contract Announcement

Описание к видео Anthony Barela Contract Announcement

Over the past few years, Anthony Barela has proven his resilience and dedication to the sport of disc golf, navigating obstacles while turning them into fuel for his success. His hard work has culminated in multiple DGPT Elite Series victories, and his future looks brighter than ever!

With this new 3-year contract we are thrilled to create Anthony Barela's first signature mold, a modified version of the Cicada! Specifically crafted to complement his powerful playstyle, this disc is bound to become a go-to choice for players seeking top performance.

Share your excitement for Anthony in the comments below and join us in celebrating this new 3-year contact by heading over to get 25% OFF all Anthony Barela merch when you use code AB25 at checkout — now through 12/22!


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