Riding Technique Tips

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Riding technique tips.

OK. All right. All right. We're out here training on the moon on a in a wanga. No, no, no water, no tractor. Just shit conditions. And what I see some coaching to that riders today. I also see it in amateur riders and people that don't have the. I guess the experience of riding is what's happening to the body is that they have a tendency of closing the body down, meaning they want to kind of close the body down when anything comes up that they're not expecting anything that they're not comfortable with or that maybe has a a consequence to it.

They want to close it down. And when you want to and when you close the body down like this, well, then you're limiting its mobility. You're limiting the efficiency of it. You live in limiting the motion in all the joints. That'd be like saying, I'm going to close down my suspension on rebound and make it as slow as possible.

Now, that suspension is not going to be able to follow the track as much. So things are just going to be skating around the track or it's going to get a lot of side to side motion swapping because it's sucked into the suspension. It's not free and moving following the track. And so let's say the next amateur race that we're coming to is mammoth.

One of the things that I do is I speed up my front forks because of how fast the track is, how small the bumps are, the bike needs to follow that. Now, if I close the suspension down by making it a very slow action, well, now that track would pretty much ride me because the bike would be all over the place.

It wouldn't be able to flow on it. So when you're on the motorcycle and I'll maybe flat footed, my butt's coming in my back, coming in round to my elbows are coming down. Well, now, nothing on my body joint wise can move except really my knees. Now, if you look at a sexton and a Jet Lawrence, a Christian, Craig, you know, even a top guys from a tarmac to Anderson to, you know, Roxanne, you see them more stretched out on the motorcycle, more stretched out.

So they're opening themselves up because if I open myself up on the motorcycle now, there's weight going to the rear and there's weight going to the front end. So on balance, if I open myself up, well, now my hips can move. You have mobility in your spine. That's why there's a vertebrae that goes all the way down your your spine, many of them.

And there's a slight subtle movement in that. And when I open myself up and rotate my hips out, my weights in my legs. So now that allows my shoulders and my arms, my elbows to be able to move. So that's the biggest thing. If everything on this motorcycle has to move to its true potential to ride the motorcycles, to potential well, then every joint on the body has to be able to move to its true potential or you're never going to use the body has been designed to be used.

And when I stretch myself out here on the motorcycle, more stretched out as you see those top riders here. Well, now my back is straight. My core comes into play. My core is my my chassis so if this is an activated or if this is closed down from tucking, hunching and rounding, well, then everything can be going into my back.

Everything's going to be going into my arms. And this is what people are saying, not that it's Sexton. And yet Lawrence has this new technique. They don't have this new technique. It's the same thing as everybody else doing except they're on their toes. Their hips are out, their back is straight. But what they're doing, they're they're initiating everything more at the hips.

Every time they guess that the hips are coming out every time they land, the answer coming out, every time they take out from a jump, the hips are coming out. Every time they come out of a corner, the hips are coming out. And when you do that with the hips, as you see I almost stretch my body out more.

If I do if I took my butt in, well, I'm walking my body up. And that's the same thing with the suspension. The bike has to be has to have flew flow it fluid moves, motion and the levers, the headset, the suspension, you know, all the controls. So the by the body that's riding the motorcycle. The mechanism on top of it has to have the same idea is to be stretched out and to allow every joint on the body to move.

So next time you guys go riding pay attention to not locking up when something comes up that you're not expecting or you're not comfortable with, open up to it and you'll be and you'll see that that situation wasn't as big as it you thought it was going to be or you don't struggle as much as you did because you're putting the body in a stronger, more stable, more coordinated, more efficient position.


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