吴亦凡获刑13年?! 中国vs美国: 明星做错什么事会被封杀? 细数那些年被封杀的中美明星 How is cancel culture different in China vs in the US?

Описание к видео 吴亦凡获刑13年?! 中国vs美国: 明星做错什么事会被封杀? 细数那些年被封杀的中美明星 How is cancel culture different in China vs in the US?

吴亦凡强奸案一审获刑13年?! 你还有偶像塌房了吗?社交媒体集体抵制,账号被封禁,作品下架,品牌终止合作...没错,现在的明星有不当言论或行为就会遇到这些惩罚。不管在中国还是美国,“在”取消文化(cancel culture)“盛行的社交网络,人人都可以喊一句“You’re canceled”来表达自己对某些公众人物言行的抗议。不管是在时尚与音乐届风生水起的坎爷、叱咤国际古典乐坛的李云迪、粉丝无数的流量巨星吴亦凡都逃不过被取消的命运... 在中国和美国,明星都各自因为什么原因被封杀?“取消文化“在中美有何不同?打开视频,跟着Dayday和俄亥俄大学媒体研究学者Eve Ng一起来探讨中国和美国的封杀文化!你对封杀文化怎么看?欢迎留言分享你的看法!

A Chinese court just sentenced Chinese-Canadian pop star Kris Wu to 13 years in prison on charges including rape. Have any of your idols been caught up in scandals? Social media boycotted, accounts restricted, works taken down, and brand collaborations terminated.… Yes, these are some of the punishments that celebrities now face when they say or act inappropriately. Whether in China or in the US, everyone on social media can yell “canceled” to express their discontent against the words and actions of certain public figures. No one, including the fashion and music icon Kanye West, the internationally renowned pianist Yundi Li, and the pop superstar Kris Wu, can escape the fate of being canceled. For what reasons are celebrities banned? How is “cancel culture” different in China and in America? Let’s follow Dayday and media studies professor Eve Ng from Ohio University as they explore cancel culture in China and in the United States! What do you think of cancel culture? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments!

#cancelculture #ye #kriswu #celebrity #明星 #吴亦凡 #李易峰 #郑爽


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