【讚美之泉亞洲巡迴香港站】大聲敬拜 + 和撒那 [中/英字幕]

Описание к видео 【讚美之泉亞洲巡迴香港站】大聲敬拜 + 和撒那 [中/英字幕]

大聲敬拜 Shout Out Your Praise
詞、曲:蘇子獻 Nicholas So
© 2024 Stream of Praise Music / BMI. CCLI #7238646

早晨夜晚 聽祢聲音
Morning and night, I hear Your voice.

敬拜的歌 唱給祢聽
Sing songs of praise, to You alone.

不論得時 或不得時
In mountains high and valleys low.

我要敬拜 我要敬拜
I'll worship You, I'll give You praise.

大聲敬拜 wo oh
Shout out Your praise, wo oh.

自由跳舞 wo oh
Jump up and dance, wo oh.

Jesus, You are my greatest love.

我的詩歌 wo oh
You are my song, wo oh.

我的拯救 wo oh
My saving grace, wo oh.

All of our days, we abide in Your love.

In Your love.

從日出之地 到日落之處
From the rising day, to the setting sun.

諸天要讚美 眾山要歡呼
All will praise His name, even rocks cry out!

和散那 Hosanna
詞:鄭懋柔、游智婷 Tiffany M. Cheng, Sandy Yu
曲:游智婷 Sandy Yu
© 2023 Stream of Praise Music / BMI. CCLI #7218298

和散那 和散那
Hosanna! Hosanna!

和平君王 與我們同住
The prince of peace lives within our hearts.

和散那 和散那
Hosanna! Hosanna!

哈利路亞 榮耀歸與至高真神
Hallelujah! Glory to You, our God on high.

天使天軍 齊聲讚美 哈利路亞
Angels and saints, all sing praises. Hallelujah!

天使天軍 齊聲讚美 哈利路亞
Angels and saints, all sing praises. Hallelujah!


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