1941 Lego World War Two - Uman Cauldron

Описание к видео 1941 Lego World War Two - Uman Cauldron

Tiny plastic armies tear up the best farmland in Europe from July 15 to August 8, 1941. Who will clean up the mess?

BRICTATOR shirts at https://brictator.myspreadshop.com/br...

The battles occurred between the elements of the Red Army's Southwestern Front defending the Southern Bug bridges and the strategic rail road between Odessa and Smolensk, and elements of Panzergruppe 1, during the latter's advance from southern Poland to Crimea.

This was among the large Axis encirclements that were executed against the Red Army in the opening months of Operation Barbarossa. 

Why is Harry Potter in the anti-tank gun crew? It's meant to resemble Gottlob Herbert Biderman, author of "In deadly combat" http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-KwJtJK23pAU...

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Thanks to:

Our three Channel Members:
Christopher Arnold @christopherarnold1677
DesertCarcass @MishimasGhost
최우영 (우엉이) @user-sv4cc4yd1x

Opening firefight music “TENSION” by Daniele Garugieri @DJG4RU

Some Russian Voices by Lego Red @LEGORed

Some more Russian Voices by Vladimir Soroka

Some German Voices by Nicolas11x12 @Nicolas11x12English

Ngoc Truong LEGO4LIFE for the Panzer III  

Kirill Simerzin for the BT-5

Pierre LaFont for the MiG-3

www.Custombricks.de for the Opel Blitz, 3.7 cm PAK-36, and T-26

www.Brickmania.com for the Me109, Stuka Bomber, T-34

The Unique Brick for the German’s Train Engine

Soviet Train Engine by LETBRICKS.COM

Pure .999 fine silver 2.9 ounce Brictator by The Gold Spartan @GoldSpartan

585 days to complete from October 1, 2021 through May 9, 2023


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