Practicum by Yandex Data Science Review: Is It Worth It?

Описание к видео Practicum by Yandex Data Science Review: Is It Worth It?

If you're looking for a way to learn data science online, you might have heard of Practicum by Yandex. Practicum by Yandex is an online platform that offers data science courses that are based on real-world projects and industry standards. You'll learn from experts, get feedback, and work on projects that will help you build your portfolio and resume. But is Practicum by Yandex worth it? What are the pros and cons of Practicum by Yandex? And what are the outcomes and results of Practicum by Yandex graduates? In this video, I'll give you an honest and unbiased review of Practicum by Yandex data science courses. I'll tell you what they are, how they work, what are the advantages and disadvantages, and what are the success stories and testimonials.
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