Aboriginal children in out-of-home care: Placement differences, outcomes and pathways through care

Описание к видео Aboriginal children in out-of-home care: Placement differences, outcomes and pathways through care

This presentation provides an overview of the placement experiences and outcomes for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal children placed into out-of-home care with Wave 1-3 data from the Pathways of Care Longitudinal Study (POCLS). The findings are discussed in relation to the broader objectives of the POCLS study as well as existing national literature relating to Aboriginal children in care. It examines the differences in the prevalence of Aboriginal children in care; their reasons for being in care; placement arrangements; and, the degree of adherence to the Aboriginal placement principle. It also looks at differences in the psychosocial wellbeing of Aboriginal carers and children. Included in this are analyses of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal children’s developmental outcomes measured over time and how these might vary according to variations in placement experiences; in particular, children’s exposure to kinship and non-kinship care.


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