New Product: Sure-Pak MREs by SOPAKCO

Описание к видео New Product: Sure-Pak MREs by SOPAKCO

Tornado. Flood. Hurricane. Forest fire. Earthquake. You're waiting for aid to arrive in the aftermath of a natural (or otherwise) disaster. The power grid is down. You've got only so much gas for the generator. There may be extensive damage to the transportation network, further delaying the arrival of aid. In the meantime, what are you going to eat? The U.S. Military's answer is MREs - "Meals, Ready-to-Eat". Today, Brownells new products chief Paul Levy does an "unboxing" of the latest addition to our product lineup: Sure-Pak MREs made by the SAME company that has made them for Uncle Sam for decades, SOPAKCO. They come packed 12 to a case, and each MRE includes USGI pictogram instructions and the flameless heater that's standard-issue in military MREs but often left out of civilian products. They come straight from SOPAKCO to the temperature-controlled Brownells warehouse, so they are stored under optimal conditions. They are as close as you can get to military MREs without actually enlisting! And if you were in the service, this video may make you feel nostalgic (or not). Either way, include Sure-Pak MREs in your emergency survival gear so if a worst-case scenario occurs, at least you'll know where your next meal is coming from!


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