WarLock Tiles: LED Summoning Circles Review - WizKids Prepainted Miniature Terrain

Описание к видео WarLock Tiles: LED Summoning Circles Review - WizKids Prepainted Miniature Terrain

Review of the WizKids WarLock Tiles Summoning Circles, an LED-powered 4x4 terrain set to accompany the new line of prepainted terrain for use with minis! Click "Show More" for timestamps, corrections, and other links.
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Special thanks to WizKids for sending us this preview copy.

0:00 Introduction
0:15 Turntable view of packaging
0:35 All 5 circles (arcane, druid, demonic, holy, and whirling) on the LED base with the setting at constant white
0:46 Using the circles on the LED base
1:00 Installing the CR2032 battery
1:16 All 5 circles on the LED base with the setting at constant red
1:26 The three LED base settings of constant light, 7 second fade cycle from on to off of the light, and a pulsing fade effect of the light that never quite turns off.
2:01 The three LED base color options: red, white, and green. Each color can use any of the three light settings. Pressing on the base cycles through the color and light settings.
2:30 How the summoning circles fit in with other WarLock Tiles sets
2:55 How the summoning circles fit in with Dwarven Forge terrain
3:13 All 5 circles on the LED base with the setting at constant green, plus what happens if you drop something heavy on the LED base
3:48 Conclusions
4:35 The Big Bad Booklet is a monthly series of unique boss monsters in a booklet format complete with plot hooks, lair actions, and more! Check out June 2020's Big Bad, Tendon and Bone, a mutated drow and a blind basilisk who hunt their prey through crystal caverns underground, and reserve your copy today at bigbadbooklet.com!
5:22 A plug for our Pride Month merchandise which is raising funds to donate to GLSEN, a charity countering bullying and promoting safe school environments at https://www.redbubble.com/shop/ap/500...

WarLock Tiles product page: https://wizkids.com/warlock/
Pride Month charity fundraising merchandise benefiting GLSEN: https://www.redbubble.com/shop/ap/500...
GLSEN national website: https://www.glsen.org/

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