Synthetic Biology: Building cell signaling networks - Wendell Lim

Описание к видео Synthetic Biology: Building cell signaling networks - Wendell Lim

Dr. Lim explains that many signaling proteins are built from simple modules arranged in different ways. Some modules are catalytic and transmit information (for instance kinase or phosphatase domains) while others are interaction modules that regulate information flow (for example protein-protein interaction domains). By rearranging these modules, LIm’s lab has reprogrammed signaling pathways to generate novel cell behavior. They are now working to use these techniques to develop cell based therapies.

Speaker Biography:
Wendell Lim is currently a Professor and Chair of the Department of Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology at University of California-San Francisco, director of the UCSF Center for Systems & Synthetic Biology, as well as an Investigator at Howard Hughes Medical Institute. He obtained his bachelor’s degree from Harvard University and his PhD from MIT. Today, Lim’s lab focuses on the molecular logic of signaling systems and understanding the underlying principles that govern the design, function, and evolution of cell-cell signaling.


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