Learning Management System with Gamification Walkthrough

Описание к видео Learning Management System with Gamification Walkthrough

http://masterkeyprofits.com - Here's your Learning Management System (LMS) that provides content delivery, video training, audio training, and easy downloads of documents.

Built on a Wordpress and Wishlist Membership platform, member management is a breeze. It integrates into all major shopping carts and CRM/email systems.

The most powerful part of this LMS system, though, is the gamification psychology. Users earn badges, and are allowed access to their modules based on their understanding and consumption of the content.

This increases engagement, and keeps subscribers interested. They have a better experience, and learn more, and stay subscribed longer, which makes the LMS owners happy.

Part of the great user experience comes from the UX/UI which is very clean, easy and intuitive to navigate. The user psychology has been proven across many verticals.

This customized platform has been built and utilized in the corporate training space, the health and fitness space, the entrepreneur's mastermind space, the book author and coaching space, and the pharmaceutical training space.

We are offering access to customized versions of this platform right now for business owners who are seeking to increase engagement and ensure consumption of their content, creating a great experience for their customers and an improved engagement and stick rate for the subscription site owners.


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