EXPOSURES for OCD and Anxiety: You might NOT be doing them RIGHT! How to use exposures for OCD

Описание к видео EXPOSURES for OCD and Anxiety: You might NOT be doing them RIGHT! How to use exposures for OCD

⚡⚡Online Recovery Courses⚡⚡
► Master Your OCD From Home (try for free)

💚 Kids Master OCD (try for free)

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click here ➡️   / ocdandanxiety  

► Parents, spouses, and families - How to support someone with OCD

🛒 Shirts, stickers, awesomeness 🛒

► Rise From Depression course (try for free)

► BFRB's (hair pulling, skin picking, nail-biting) (try for free)

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🔷   / ocdandanxietyonline  

⚡⚡LIVE Masterclasses and Q&A⚡⚡

⚡⚡Take an OCD Test⚡⚡
💜 https://www.ocd-anxiety.com/all-tests
➼ Do I have OCD?
➼ Do I have HOCD?
➼ Do I have Harm OCD?
➼ Relationship OCD
➼ How severe is my OCD?
➼ Do I have hair-pulling disorder?
➼ Do I have skin picking disorder?
➼ Depression severity scale

⚡⚡Connect on social⚡⚡
🩵Instagram -   / ocdandanxietyonline  
🩵Facebook OCD group -   / ocdandanxietyonline  
🩵Twitter -   / ocdandanxiety1  
🩵TikTok -   / ocdandanxiety  

⚡⚡Video Playlists⚡⚡
👉OCD - https://tinyurl.com/OCDplaylist

👉Reaction Videos - https://tinyurl.com/anxietyreactions

👉Depression - https://tinyurl.com/depressionplaylist

👉Scrupulosity - https://tinyurl.com/scrupulosityplaylist

👉Harm OCD - https://tinyurl.com/harmocdplaylist

👉POCD - https://tinyurl.com/pocdplaylist

👉Sexual Orientation OCD (HOCD) - https://tinyurl.com/hocdplaylist

👉Relationship OCD (ROCD) - https://tinyurl.com/rocdplaylist

👉Real Event OCD - https://tinyurl.com/realeventocdplaylist

👉Existential OCD - https://tinyurl.com/existentialocdpla...

👉Symmetry OCD - https://tinyurl.com/symmetryocdplaylist

👉Touettic OCD - https://tinyurl.com/touretticocdplaylist

👉Superstitious OCD - https://tinyurl.com/superstitiousocdp...

👉Contamination OCD - https://tinyurl.com/contaminationocdp...

👉Just Right OCD - https://tinyurl.com/justrightocdplaylist

👉SOCD - https://tinyurl.com/socdplaylist

👉Sensorimotor OCD - https://tinyurl.com/sensorimotorocdpl...

👉Social Anxiety - https://tinyurl.com/socialanxietyplay...

👉Anxiety - https://tinyurl.com/anxietyplaylist

👉Magical Thinking OCD - https://tinyurl.com/magicalthinkingpl...

👉Responsibility OCD - https://tinyurl.com/responsibilityocd...

👉Tics and Tourette's - https://tinyurl.com/ticstourettesplay...

👉Postpartum OCD - https://tinyurl.com/postpartumocdplay...

👉BFRB (hair pulling/skin picking) - https://tinyurl.com/bfrbplaylist

👉Body Dysmorphic Disorder - https://tinyurl.com/bddplaylist

👉Panic Disorder - https://tinyurl.com/panicdisorderplay...

I often hear individuals tell me that they "did an exposure". When we start talking about it I find that they put themselves into a stressful situation but didn't really do an "exposure" with it. I shed light on how to use exposure and response prevention with purpose and meaning instead of just going through the motions.


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