
Описание к видео Waterfall

Mix+Master+Recording by CatWorks, Neagoe (Mtz) Mihai
Makkai Gergő - Vocals, Guitar
König Dávid - Bass guitar
Kuglis Albert - Synth, keyboards
Andrásy Tamás – Drums, Backing vocals

  / sleepininsomnia  

  / sleepininsomnia  


delicious allure of contradictions
Can’t see nothing from this delimited sight
I’m not at the end
I know, I’m still floating
While new layers of our egos are revealed

Why is it burning?
The warerfall is burning now

Unsettling allure of conrtadictions
Numbing my senses, hoping
for answers
Try(ing) to moralize a mortals instinct.
For a moment of pleasure, losing it all

Why is it burning?
The warerfall is burning now

Life is pain
Life is pleasure


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