Fox News Vs. Frank Zappa On Gaming Censorship - TYT Gaming

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The Navy Yard shooting has Fox News searching for answers - making vague connections between mass shootings and video games. Frank Zappa spoke in Washington against music censorship, with ramifications that apply today. What are your thoughts? Tell us in the comments below.

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Tags: Frank Zappa,Fox News,Violent Video Games,Grand Theft Auto,Mass shootings,Navy Yard Shooting,Gun Control,Video game censorship,Music censorship,Faux News,Grand Theft Auto 5,Halo,Call of Duty,Call of Duty Ghosts,Rated M Games,Rockstar Games,Aaron Alexis,Fox And Friends,Elisabeth Hasselbeck,Steve Doocy,Brian Kilmeade,Right Wing News,Left Wing News,The Young Turks,TYT,TYT Nation,Frank Zappa Music,Frank Zappa Lyrics,Frank Zappa Cover


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