How To Get STARTED Playing Bass By Ear [3 Steps]

Описание к видео How To Get STARTED Playing Bass By Ear [3 Steps]

►► Join my 28-Day 'Ear-Opening' Challenge to "unblock” your ears and learn 20+ bass lines completely by ear - in just 28 days, and practicing just 15 minutes a day →

►► FREE VIDEO: How To Hear Any Bass Line Without Straining To Hear The Notes →

If you can play bass by ear, it changes everything - and I mean EVERYTHING.

If you can play by ear, you can learn lots of songs and learn them quickly.

That means if the ‘regular’ bass player for a band can’t make it, and you can step in and learn a band’s entire song list, they won’t have to cancel their gig and you’ll be their savior.

If you can play by ear and you find yourself at a jam session and someone starts playing a song you don’t know, you can figure things out FAST. That means you can play songs you’ve never even heard before and sound like you’ve been playing them for years.

If there’s a band auditioning for new bass players and you can learn all their songs by ear without asking them for notes or chords. Then you’re free to jam with them on any of their songs, and if you can do that, then chances are you'll nail the audition and get in the band.

If you get asked to play at a church that plays completely different songs than you know, and you learn their repertoire by ear, do you think they’ll get you back to play again and again? Of course they will!

►►But there’s just one problem…

Playing by ear can be confusing if you’re just starting out.

Should you use ear training apps? Study chords and music theory? What about intervals? Working with drones? Do you need to know all your scales? Can you get away with ‘reading’ the guitarist's chord shapes or the keys player’s left hand to make your bass lines?

Or should you just give up on playing by ear and go crawling back to the tab sites?

You might start to wonder:

“Is it even possible to learn to play by ear?”

I promise you it absolutely IS possible, and today I want to show you how to get started.

In this lesson, you’re going to learn:

→ Your secret weapon in the battle to play by ear (You already have it, you just need to use it)
→ What you should START with when trying to play bass by ear (Hint - it’s not any bass line)
→ The simple question you ask yourself that will get you playing by ear faster than you might think

Obviously playing by ear is a HUGE subject and it’s not exactly easy to cover it in a single 12-minute lesson.

So if you want extra help and want to start playing bass by ear - even if you’ve never done it before - make sure and sign up for the free video that shows you exactly how to start hearing bass lines in the lowest part of your bass:

Just fill out the form underneath the video on that page and I’ll send it straight to you so you can start the process of levelling up your ear.

It’ll show you extra tools and ways you can get further towards playing everything you want using nothing but your ears. No tabs, sheet music or YouTube covers needed.

Good luck with the lesson and happy playing!



Here’s the direct link to sign up for that video:


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