no place for no hero | dragon age: inquisition | dread wolf | fen'harel

Описание к видео no place for no hero | dragon age: inquisition | dread wolf | fen'harel

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Do you feel? It smells spoilers :D So be careful.

Today we will talk with you about... About what most people talk, right? About Solas of course! In Inquisition is the strangest character. And that's why I love him. Although he is not particularly good lover. cry We see the elf that hides its identity behind the mask. This is understandable, because in the end we find out that SPOILERS he's a f*cking Elven God! No, seriously?! What actually happened? Throughout the game we really have learned about he only IN THE EPILOGUE. Yes-yes I feel bad. Sorry. Not anymore. Anyway... arh, he is wonderful. Nothing can change that.

Thanks for watching! And have a nice day :)


Brand New – Daisy
Saltillo – Gatekeepers
the Heavy – Short Change Hero (What's wrong? This is my third video with this song...yeah...)
Footage from FluffyNinjaLlama channel


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