Wonderland Of Waves: Maps to Nowhere, Season 2 Episode 1

Описание к видео Wonderland Of Waves: Maps to Nowhere, Season 2 Episode 1

“I have no idea where I am right now,” says Lucas Owston, M2N rookie and one of the stars of the show. It’s beginning to dawn on him that during Maps to Nowhere, getting lost is half the point.

This first episode of M2N S2 takes Lucas, Soli Bailey. Anne dos Santos and Winter Vincent on a deep dive into a faraway place, where tropical islands are framed up with semi sketchy coral reefs, and as far as this crew knows, nobody’s ever surfed before. It frames the season from the start as one of pure exploration: some high level research from Explorer Matt, some pinpoint swell-calling from the ace Surfline forecaster team, and just a bit of guesswork on the side. Every surf trip’s a good surf trip — we all know that. Yet when hopes are as high level as the research, and everyone’s lost count of the flights it took to get there, something special better happen.

We hope you enjoy it as much as Lucas did.

Coming next: Ep 2, “Forbidden Isle”, on show April 24. Stay tuned for details!

Those rookies and their trials: First Time To Nowhere https://www.surfline.com/surf-news/m2...

Music credit:
Young Sounds


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