CO anglais - Tik Tok activists - B2 + correction

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Students are fighting climate change, one TikTok video at a time
ABC News, Australia

Comment de jeunes influenceurs engagés contre le changement climatique ont recours à Tik Tok

Script :
Working with animals can be tricky but for this young Victorian farmer, it's key to promoting the planet to her peers .
"When I make videos with pretty pictures and cute animals, and a dramatic message on a social media app that they use, they become interested in what I'm saying"
Tara Bellerose is directing her climate campaign squarely at her generation
" If I can get the idea that their future is being impacted by what we're doing today, then maybe they might take an interest"
The 21 year old has a huge following on YouTube and now on Tik-Tok, the widly popular Chinese owned video app.
"This is a peaceful protest by young people for their future"
Where users bypass traditional gatekeepers, like parents and the media.
It's actually old school in that you need to entertain and engage people in order to get them to pay attention to your message. And that's what Tik-Tok does so beautifully"
"I guess the Gen Z millennial thing is to like make a joke or make a meme Where the humor isn't explicit.
The 19 year-old Grace Vegesana came to climate activism through a series a savyy political memes
“I saw these memes about like environmental issues, especially climate justice, and I was like, ‘wait! These are actually really big issues is society!’ “
It’s not always easy putting yourself out there on these platforms, but for those willing to take a stand, the risks of not doing so are far greater.
“We’re terrified of the future and the best way to cope with that honestly is by laughing at it sometimes.”


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