Grandax - Lonely People

Описание к видео Grandax - Lonely People

Pieza (9/20) del álbum Sonogramas [Text & Textures].

They're counted by thousands of hundreds each day.
They dont speak to each other.
Nor relate.
They look quite differently:
ugly, fat, angelic,
of thin face, eggheaded,
but they look the same.
You can call them anything.
It doesnt matter.
They go by one name.
All the lonely people.

I once greeted someone by mistake.
She did not greet back
but looked away instead.
Then a few months passed,
May to May,
and yet it happened again.
As I said hello to one I thought a friend
and he pretended that we hadn't met
-"Sorry, I am,
you must be taking me for somebody else"-,
I realized I had become one of them.
The lonely people.

When you trip and fall and hit your head,
Who is coming your aid?
Maybe a neighbor will knock
when reached by the rotten smell
counting twelve the many days
since you last crossed paths in the stairs.
Ding, dong. The bell.
Ding dong. The bell.
No reply.
When they die
no one comes to say farewell
to the lonely people.

Is it you who is to blame
for the drought of the deserts,
in April for the heavy rains,
or the empires that fell?
Surely you are not
'cause in time you write yourself
as one that didn't do anything.
You just were there.
There's not really much to say
of the lonely people.

Sonogramas [Text & Textures] es una obra experimental que combina poesía, música ambiental y paisajes sonoros ruidosos.

Grandax - 2024


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