UGO: A Homecoming Story Ft. Giannis Antetokounmpo

Описание к видео UGO: A Homecoming Story Ft. Giannis Antetokounmpo

Global basketball star Giannis Antetokounmpo returns to his roots in Nigeria. After a life spent in Greece and a career spent in the US, he heads to his homeland to discover where his story started. Here, he reconnects with his family, his heritage, and himself like never before. Presented by WhatsApp.

0:00 WhatsApp Presents UGO
3:14 Giannis lands in Nigeria
5:06 The Return Home
9:00 Tarkwa Bay
13:58 Rowe Park
17:02 Uncover Your Family Story
24:26 Nabu Nigeria
27:18 Root of Who You Are

#WhatsApp #Messaging #TheresNoOneLikeUs


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