Описание к видео 754 SLAVA XX in 607 FAMOSA IX

754 Slava XX

Kobila srednjega okvira, dobro izraženih pasemskih značilnosti, dovolj skladna in plemenita, pravilnega telesnega ustroja. Je živahnega temperamenta in primernega karakterja.

Preizkus delovne sposobnosti je opravila z zadovoljivo oceno. Primerna je za delo pod sedlom.

Doslej ni bila pripuščena. Po oceni lastnosti zunanjosti in delovni sposobnosti je primerna za plemensko rejo.

Predstavnica rodu Argentina

Mere: 158/ 166/ 187/20

Več: https://www.lipicanec.si/sl/horse-vie...

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607 Famosa XIV

Velika kobila v zelo dobrem pasemskem tipu, skladna, plemenita, dovolj korektna v vseh partijah. Je mirnega temperamenta in dobrohotnega karakterja, dovolj izdatna v gibanju.

Kobila je v letu 2012 opravila preizkus delovne sposobnosti z zelo dobro oceno. Primerna je za delo pod sedlom, priučena pa je tudi delu v vpregi.

Doslej ni bila pripuščena. Po oceni lastnosti zunanjosti in delovne sposobnosti je zelo primerna za plemensko rejo.

Predstavnica rodu Munja

Mere: 159/ 169/ 188/ 19

Več: https://www.lipicanec.si/sl/horse-vie...

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754 Slava XX

Mare of a medium frame, well-expressed traits of her breed, sufficiently well-proportioned and noble, and with a correct body structure. She has a good character and lively temperament.

She has passed the performance test with a satisfactory grade. The mare is suitable for riding.

The mare has not been bred yet. According to the exterior evaluation and performance test results, she is suitable for stud breeding.

Representative of the Argentina family.

Measures: 158/ 166/ 187/20

Read more: https://www.lipicanec.si/en/horse-vie...

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607 Famosa XIV

Large mare, a very good representative of the breed, well-proportioned and noble, sufficiently correct in all physical aspects. She has a trusty and friendly character and calm temperament, and is sufficiently efficient when in motion.

The mare passed the performance test with a very good grade in 2012. She is suitable for riding and also for carriage driving.

The mare has not been bred yet. According to the exterior evaluation and performance test results, she is highly suitable for stud breeding.

Representative of the Munja family.

Measures: 159/ 169/ 188/ 19

Read more: https://www.lipicanec.si/en/horse-vie...


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