Best & Fast Way Hide Google Chrome Extensions - Code With Mark

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Do you have a lot of google chrome extensions that's causing you problems?

Try this secret technique to hide some of those unwanted google chrome extensions.


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alright guys welcome to this particularvideo where I'm going to be sharing withyou something really cool in need willhelp you organize your browsingexperience for example we're usingGoogle Chrome which is by far the bestinternet browser out there if you didn'tknow if you're still using crappyinternet explorer please upgrade it tothe modern Google Chrome where you aregoing to be completely blown away withall the features and benefits that ithas to order so having said all that bythe way I'm not getting people fromGoogle anybody else I just feel likethis is the best browser because I haveto use that myself and everybody elsewho has used it have feel the same waymoving on so let's just say in one ofthe options that makes a chrome evenstand out more than anybody else outthere is their ability to give you whatthe call is Chrome extensions where youcan just google it call it Chromeextensions and they have a whole bunchof extensions out there that you caninstall that will save you a bunch oftime and make you more productive andalso some of them and depending on whichone you want it can also save you somemoney for example there's a oneextension call honey if you shop onlineor anywhere when your computer obviouslyonline night this extension isparticularly it's the one because it hasall all the different stores that it hasaffiliated with it you can just click onit and then if you go to any particularstore like for example Amazon let's justsay Amazon and we're shopping we'reshopping and then if it finds somethingthat it feels like you could find acoupon for you and as you can see I havealready installed in here it'll say heyby the way you can save X amount ofdollar by clicking on it so I havealready earned seven hundred pointsI'll use that a lot so as you can see ithas like a lot of different features youcould do it so that's just one examplebut after a while once you install awhole bunch of Chrome extensions it'sgoing to show up by the way when youinstall the Chrome extension it's gonnashow up on the top right hand side ofyour menu but after a while it's goingto get clutter up because right now Ihave only few these in here but once youstart going a little crazy all of theseextensions can extend extending thingsthat and it's going to be very annoyinghave one simple technique you can use isto hide them you could do one two waysone of them is which is hardcore way Idon't recommend it which I'm not gonnashow you and another way which issimplest ways you could just simplyright click right here and say hide inchrome menu and it will simply go awayand then you can have yourself a nicepretty organized space and then whatwe'll do is it's just going to hide itbut it will continue to work behindscenes as it designed to do so sohopefully these tips helps you and ifyou want more helpful tip like this oreven better one make sure you check outmy gift that have fool you under I willput a link in the description but alsoyou can go to code with mark commforward slash gift once game though URLis code with markdot-com forward slash kit hope you gothere and get you free cap and it willsave you a lot of time until next timehappy coding guys

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