Earthbound: Corrupted Guardians by JesterKatz

Описание к видео Earthbound: Corrupted Guardians by JesterKatz

how is he bread??
This is a re-upload of a video done by JesterKatz, which was a really cool tribute to the Sanctuary Guardians from Earthbound, with 3D models and everything. Unfortunately, the channel with this said video went down, and with it, so did this video. To this day, the only thing I found was a re-upload from Dailymotion, which didn't have the best quality, and unfortunately that's the quality I'll have to stick with, but low resolution is a little better than no upload of this onto Youtube as far as I've seen.

The remix used in the video was by Binster on OC Remix. While you can easily find the remix on Youtube, I'll link it here as well for prosperity.

If JesterKatz or anyone else has qualms with this being back up on Youtube, let me know. I just wanted to save it since it's rad and I love it.


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