【博大 Universiti Putra Malaysia 】马来西亚规模最大的大学?UPM有农场、农园和动物医院?

Описание к видео 【博大 Universiti Putra Malaysia 】马来西亚规模最大的大学?UPM有农场、农园和动物医院?

今天想和大家介绍一间在马来西亚非常独特以及有特色的政府大学,也就是马来西亚博特拉大学(UPM)。这所大学成立于1971年,是一个以农业为主的著名大学。除了具领导地位的农业系,博大所提供的课程多与自然、环境生态及人文教育有关。博大不止备受国家的肯定,还有超过90%学院的教学品质受到国际品质鉴定 (ISO9000)的认可。
Today, I would like to introduce to you a very unique and distinctive government university in Malaysia, which is also called University of Putra Malaysia (UPM). This university was established in 1971 and is a well-known university mainly focused on agriculture. In addition to the leading agricultural department, the courses offered by UPM are mostly related to nature, environmental ecology and humanities education. UPM is not only recognized by the country, but more than 90% of the teaching quality of the university is recognized by the international quality certification (ISO9000);

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0:00 精彩片段
0:15 片头曲
0:21 開場白
0:58 UPM背景
3:43 UPM科系
7:40 UPM设施
9:13 结尾


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