Interlocked 24.2 - Lesson 24, Part 2: The Kingdom Divided: The 10 Tribes Rejected Yahweh

Описание к видео Interlocked 24.2 - Lesson 24, Part 2: The Kingdom Divided: The 10 Tribes Rejected Yahweh

The Kingdom Divided: The 10 Tribes Rejected Yahweh. September 17, 2024

• Are the Words of a Man or Angel More Important than the Word of God?
• The Test of a Prophet
• The Ten Tribes Rejected YHWH
• YHWH's Response to Rejection

What happened to the rebellious ten tribes of Israel that made up the Northern Kingdom? Listen to this message to hear of a series of tragic events and disasters that occurred. See how the Southern Kingdom joined in their idolatry. Find out the five stages of discipline that God had warned them about if they worshiped idols. Learn about Elijah the prophet, and how he challenged the prophets of Baal and Asherah.


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