【小大作業】TO BE OR NOT TO BE 抑揚五步格(語調版)

Описание к видео 【小大作業】TO BE OR NOT TO BE 抑揚五步格(語調版)

《小學英文大學問》的課程,上週來到小二下。美語的語調,真的好重要。蕭博士說:人人都聽過To be or not to be,但是聽完Hamlet這段完整獨白的人,恐怕不多。莎氏筆雅的文字有能量,這段獨白蕭博士請大家好好聽聽,也順便感受一下抑揚五步格那種「輕重 輕重 輕重 輕重 輕重 」,平衡,中庸,舒服的美麗語調。

大蒨覺得比較明顯聽得出來有抑揚五步(輕重 輕重 輕重 輕重 輕重 的fu)的地方:
0:42 and by a sleep to say we end the heart-ache and thousand natural shocks(這句大蒨最喜歡)
0:58 to die to sleep to sleep perchance to dream
1:07 for in that sleep of death the dream may come
01:27 for who would bear the whips and scorns of time
02:44 And lose the name of action

02:36 enterprises的語調是 1 · · ·

  / milingualpalace  


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